Attention Investors!
Looking for nothing to do?.. Look Here! * Family focused and located this home has everything you would expect To Take Advantage of the Craigieburn Lifestyle!
The list of features is impressive and an inspection is a must to be able to feel what this stunning home has to offer.
4 bedrooms (Master with en-suite, walk-in robe)
Other 3 with mirrored built-in robe.
Evaporative cooling & Ducted Heating.
S.S appliances and walk-in-pantry.
Fabulous open plan kitchen with stone bench top adjoining to meals and living area.
Separate formal lounge.
Covered outdoor entertaining area/ alfresco dining.
Security alarm.
Currently rented for $1798 PCM and the lease is expiring on 13 June 2019.
Opportunity not be missed.